Dirty Old Town

May 31, 2010

spreads out it’s streets like mechano,

train station, subway, shoe store, car.

Dirty Old Town

drinks in a bar

swims through it’s dreams

like chlorine and emeralds.

Dirty Old Town

watches TV

Dirty Old Town
coffee and tea

Dirty Old Town
sits on a bench

bottles in bags
giros for rent

Dirty Old Town

considers a move

doesn’t have the money

doesn’t know the rules

Dirty Old Town

sleeps with the moon

gives money to charity

buys the Big Issue,

And Dirty old town
gets out of a bus

walks with the police
sits with the bum

Dirty old town
wants to throw up

but it sleeps and it wakes
and it dreams and it loves

and Dirty Old Town
stands on the street

smokes in the dark
in it’s skirt and it’s heels

Dirty Old town
face like a mask

Dirty Old Town
crawls in a car

and it sits in a house
and it counts out an ounce

and it weighs and it sells
and it buys and it rants

but it rolls out it’s parks
it’s rivers and banks

it scatters it’s birds
holds out it’s hands

it sleeps and it wakes
and it dreams and it loves

Lock me in
till the milk man comes

til they empty the bins
till the trains leave home

Lock me in
till the lorries have been

till the windows are clean
and the rubbish is burnt

and it sleeps on it’s own
and it sleeps with it’s love

and the stars in the sky
and the moon up above

I don’t want to go
from this dirty old town

with it’s lights and it’s roads
and it’s ribbons and sun

and I don’t want to die
in this dirty old town

Dirty Old Town
Just let me be.

Avec la permission de notre auguste et cher époux, je dois déclarer que ne conservant aucun espoir d’avoir des enfants qui puissent satisfaire les besoins de sa politique et l’intérêt de la France, je me plais à lui donner la plus grande preuve d’attachement et de dévouement qui ait jamais été donnée sur la terre. Je tiens tout de ses bontés ; c’est sa main qui m’a couronnée, et du haut de ce trône, je n’ai reçu que des témoignages d’affection et d’amour du peuple français.

Je crois reconnaître tous ces sentiments en consentant à la dissolution d’un mariage qui désormais est un obstacle au bien de la France, qui la prive du bonheur d’être un jour gouvernée par les descendants d’un grand homme si évidemment suscité par la Providence pour effacer les maux d’une terrible révolution et rétablir l’autel, le trône, et l’ordre social. Mais la dissolution de mon mariage ne changera rien aux sentiments de mon coeur : l’empereur aura toujours en moi sa meilleure amie. Je sais combien cet acte commandé par la politique et par de si grands intérêts a froissé son coeur ; mais l’un et l’autre nous sommes glorieux du sacrifice que nous faisons au bien de la patrie.

JOSEPHINE, le 15 décembre 1809.

spreads out it’s streets like mechano,
train station, subway, shoe store, car.

Dirty Old Town

drinks in a bar

swims through it’s dreams

like chlorine and emeralds.

Dirty Old Town

watches TV

Dirty Old Town
coffee and tea

Dirty Old Town
sits on a bench

bottles in bags
giros for rent

Dirty Old Town

considers a move

but doesn’t have the money

doesn’t know the rules

Dirty Old Town

sleeps with the moon

gives money to charity

buys the Big Issue,

And Dirty old town
gets out of a bus

walks with the police
sits with the bum

Dirty old town
wants to throw up

but it sleeps and it wakes
and it dreams and it loves

and Dirty Old Town
stands on the street

smokes in the dark
in it’s skirt and it’s heels

Dirty Old town
face like a mask

Dirty Old Town
crawls in a car

and it sits in a house
and it counts out an ounce

and it weighs and it sells
and it buys and it thanks

but it rolls out it’s parks
and it’s rivers and banks

it scatters it’s birds
and holds out it’s hands

it sleeps and it wakes
and it dreams and it loves

Lock me in
till the milk man comes

til they empty the bins
till the trains leave home

Lock me in
till the lorries have been

till the windows are clean
and the rubbish is burnt

and it sleeps on it’s own
and it sleeps with it’s love

and the stars in the sky
and the moon up above

I don’t want to go
from this dirty old town

I don’t want to die
in this dirty old town

just let me be
Dirty Old Town

just let me live.
Dirty old town

Dirty Old Town
with it’s traffic and clouds

Dirty Old Town
with’s it’s pennies and pounds

Dirty Old Town
So much to take.

So much to give.